Rhododendron flower
• 2021 წლის ბოლომდე საწარმოში დაინერგება HACCP-ის სტანდარტი.
• სასოფლო-სამეურნეო კოოპერატივის „ქვაციხის ჩაის თაიგული“ ჩაის პლანტაციაში დანიშნულია ბიო გარდამავალი პერიოდი შპს კავკასერტის მიერ.
Kvatsikhe Tea Bouquet was founded in 2016. Company has rehabilitated 13 hectares of tea plantation. The tea garden is located in the mountainous region of Imereti, in the village of Kvatsikhe, Chiatura district, at 580 metres above sea level. The plantation is surrounded by environmentally protected forests and mountain ridges, this region is ideal for cultivation of rich and flavorful organic tea. All of Kvatsikhe Tea Bouquet mountain organic teas are single-estate, grown without harmful fertilizers, and processed without artificial additives, emulsifiers or dyes. The company makes ecologically clean Georgian product. Thanks to a special ecosystem, infusion made from Kvatsikhe Tea Bouquet tea leaves is of the highest quality. It is amazingly soft and gentle, has a distinctive aroma and a unique taste.
The harvest season in Kvatsikhe Tea Bouquet tea gardens begins in April and lasts till October and more than 70 people pick tea by hand. To get the best products, the brand pays great attention to the quality of the leaf - to maintain its original properties, tea leaves are picked only at a certain stage of ripeness, processed for 3-5 hours after harvesting and stored in a highly ventilated storage.
Kvatsikhe Tea Bouquet was founded in 2016. With the support of the State Tea Plantation Rehabilitation Program, wild tea plantations have been restored across 13 hectares. In 2020, a processing plant was established and supplied with modern equipment. The enterprise can process 50 tonnes of raw tea leaves and package 10-12 tonnes of black and green tea per year.
The brand currently produces three types of organic black and green tea.
In the future, Kvatsikhe Tea Bouquet will offer blueberry, forest berry, herbal and phyto-tea products to tea enthusiasts.
In 2021, the enterprise passed and received a certificate of conformity of production processes with the HACCP standard. In the same year, the company received a transitional bio certificate - GC standard: "Organic food production, processing, labelling and marketing standard" from Caucascert LLC.